Tuesday 27 May 2014

Hello, Welcome to my blog.


My name is Freya Elizabeth and welcome to my blog.

I've wanted to start one for a while now after being inspired by all the amazing blogs out there. I'm at a bit of a cross roads in my life and wanted to document the upcoming months. I also realised that I really had no record of myself over the past few years to look back upon and decided that a blog was the perfect way of keeping some of those amazing memories.

I intend for this to be a bit of an eclectic mish mash of all of my interests, from cooking and crafting, to throwing beautiful parties and reviewing incredible recipe/hosting books. And of course, most importantly, reviewing make up and clothes.

In a few weeks I'm moving to Spain. So seeing as I'll have lots of free time over there, and hopefully lots of photo opportunities, I thought this was a perfect time to start.

So hit that follow button if this blog sounds at all interesting. I've got lots of hauls coming up as I've done lots of shopping in preparation for my move to Spain.

Thanks for reading if you manage to get to the end of this! Comment below if you have any questions or requests.

Lots of love,

Freya Elizabeth
